
Moringa Powder Vs Moringa Oil

Moringa Powder
Moringa SEED OIL

Moringa Leaf Powder

Moringa Oil


Food supplement, cooking, cattle feed

Food supplement, cooking,
health and beauty products,
industrial applications

Contains the following:
dietary fiber

Contains the Following:
Fats 100 %out of which it
has per 100 grams
Saturated Fats – 20.8g
Unsaturated fats – 78.6 g
Polyunsaturated fats – .6%g
Antibiotic called

Nutritive value

Trace mineral.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9
Vitamin C
Various amino acids like Arg, His, Lys, Trp,
Phe, Thr, Leu, Met, Ile, Val

Also contains:
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Flavonoids (antioxidants)


Medicinal and nutritional benefits, low in fat. Antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties

Medicinal and nutritional benefits and for topical application also as
industrial lubricant and bio diesel. Beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.
antibacterial, antipyretic
and anti-inflammatory

Shelf life

Can be stored indefinitely without losing potency when stored in an airtight container in a cool dark place.

Long shelf life and doesn’t go rancid.

How to use

Can be used raw, cooked or added to food

Can be used raw in salads, used as cooking oil to sauté, fry, and cook food.

Cautions for use

Some of the medications to be particularly aware of are:

• Levothyroxine: Used to combat thyroid problems. Compounds in the moringa leaf may aid the thyroid function, but people should not take it in combination with other thyroid medication.
• Any medications that might be broken down by the liver: Moringa extract may decrease how quickly this happens, which could lead to various side effects or complications.
• Diabetes medications: Diabetes 
medications are used to lower blood
sugar, which moringa also does 
effectively. It is vital to ensure blood
sugar levels do not get too low.
• High blood pressure medication:
Moringa has shown to be effective at
lowering blood pressure. Taking moringa alongside other drugs that lower blood pressure may result in it becoming too low.
• Not suitable for pregnant women

Organic Moringa oil is considered to be safe.


Capsules, tablets, loose powder

Capsules or bottles

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