
Malnutrition and Disease

Many people, believe it or not, are not fully aware of the connection between malnutrition and disease. The body intrinsically has the ability to both prevent disease as well as fight disease as long as it has the nutrients it needs to do this work. The body, its organs and its immune system need certain nutrients in certain amounts in order to function properly. If the body does not have these nutrients, it full and most efficient functioning is deteriorated and even lost. For
instance, many children in the so-called “developing nations” suffer from night blindness and other eye diseases and afflictions simply because they do not get enough vitamin A. Due to the high vitamin A content of Moringa, this could be
alleviated by mixing a few tablespoons of Moringa into the food of these children. Many disease and afflictions affecting millions of people, especially children around the world due to nutrient poor diets can be alleviated by just adding Moringa leaf powder to their foods. 

Moringa help to avoid malnutrition and disease

Figure 2: The map of the places where malnutrition is a major issue is the same as the map of where Moringa grows wild. Wherever there is a human problem, nature usually provides the cure close at hand.

Key Nutrients in Moringa and Disease Prevention

Let’s look at some of the nutrients in Moringa (see illustration above and preceding charts) and how the lack of these nutrients often leads to various disease and maladies. Moringa supplies a wide variety of nutrients in a non-toxic and easy to digest form. Moringa also contains these nutrients in combinations that are easy for the body to assimilate and digest. No wonder Moringa is considered a “miracle tree” with the ability to save your life and Lives worldwide.

 credit: Jed W. Fahey, Sc.D. , Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences

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