
What secrets do moringa leaves hold for the skin?

Moringa oleifera’s unique blend of beneficial nutrients have been used for centuries in moringa’s native land of India to help improve skin tone, complexion, and radiance. Indeed, many people consider moringa oleifera to be the big secret behind the beautiful skin that is so well known throughout India culture.

What is it inside the leaves of moringa oleifera that can create such healthy and vibrant skin? The answer is antioxidants, as well as another important mineral that has been known for centuries as ‘the beauty mineral’ – sulfur.

Antioxidants are compounds that rid the body of harmful substances. As antioxidants travel through the body, they block the ability of deadly substances called free radicals to damage cells.

Everyone requires large amounts of antioxidants to protect the countless cells that make up the human body. Many antioxdants are introduced directly through your diet, and other antioxidants are created inside the body. If antioxidants did not protect against free radicals, the strain on the body’s cells would be considerably higher. Cells would have much shorter lifespans and would need to work much harder to maintain a healthy environment.

When free radicals take their toll on human skin, over time this creates the appearance of age. The skin becomes worn down, less resistant to winkles, and takes on a dull and worn appearance. Antioxidants work to revitalize skin cells by removing the free radicals which make the skin cells age. Cleaning the skin cells of free radicals can restore vitality and youthful complexion to skin which has been depleted of antioxidants over time.

While not all antioxidants are created equal, moringa oleifera leaves contain over 30 antioxidants which are well suited for skin health. Moringa oil is also well suited for delivering these poiwerful antioxidants to skin cells, due to its highly absorbable nature.

Also present in the leaves of moringa is the all-important mineral sulfur. Despite its tarnished reputation, sulfur is a vitally important mineral which is found in every single cell in the body. More importantly, sulfur is the key ingredient in two substances which make up human skin: collagen and keratin.

Collagen is an elestic stubstance which is responsible for giving skin its flexibility and softness. Keratin is a more rigid substances which gives skin its rigidity and strength. Together, these two substances make up the majority of all skin tissue in your body, and they are also the main ingredients in your hair and nails.

Keratin and collagen are made up of proteins which rely heavily on sulfur for their construction. Because moringa oleifera leaves are a source of natually occurring sulfur, they may contribute to improved collagen and keratin production in your body, bringing vitality to your skin.

Moringa oleifera is one of nature’s most skin-friendly plants, supplying the body with important nutrients that bring vibrance and vitality back to skin tissue. Try moringa leaves today and see what the wonderful moringa plant can do for your skin – and the rest of you too!

What secrets do moringa leaves hold for the skin?
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