
Moringa Purifies and Clarifies Water

importance of moringa

In the Sudan, dry Moringa oleifera seeds are used in place of alum by rural women to treat highly turbid Nile water (Jahn, 1986). In Northern Nigeria, the fresh leaves are used as a vegetable, roots for medicinal purposes and branches for demarcation of property boundaries and fencing. Studies by Eilert et al. (1981) identified the presence of an active antimicrobial agent in Moringa oleifera seeds. The active agent isolated was found to be 4a Lrhamnosyloxy-benzyl isothiocyanate, at present the only known glycosidic mustard oil. Madsen et al. (1987) carried out coagulation and bacterial reduction studies on turbid Nile water in the Sudan using Moringa oleifera seeds and observed turbidity reduction of 80-99.5% paralleled by a bacterial reduction of 1-4 log units (90-99.9%) within the first one to two hours of treatment, the bacteria being concentrated in the coagulated sediment.

If scientists set out to design a tree would be of maximum benefit to mankind, they would be hard put to do better than the Moringa Oleifera . (Fuglie,2001)

By usnig Moringa daily, you can supply your body with the nutrients it needs to protect and heal it.The best medicine is preventative medicine . Moringa Furnishes the body with the nutrients needed to prevent disease and illness.

Health Benefits of Moringa

Credit: Jed W. Fahey, Sc.D. , is a nutritional biochemist at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

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