
How To Add Moringa To Your Routine

If you are thinking of trying moringa daily, you may have a few doubts like these: What is the best way to consume Moringa, how much moringa content is safe per day, does Moringa have any side effects. 

First of all, Moringa is a vegetable, not a supplement, so you don’t have to worry too much about the side-effects. But, even the healthiest of food has to be had in the right proportions. Moringa leaves can be used raw, but they may not suit your taste buds very well. However, you can go for organic moringa products which are just as nutritious, if not more.

The most widely used moringa product is moringa powder which can be had raw or with warm water. You can add it to your meals, health drinks or snacks. As long as you don’t cook it, it retains the nutritious value. The options are many: Sprinkle, blend, mix, bake. If you do not have the time, go for moringa tablets or capsules, purely made from fresh moringa leaves. And the easiest of all, and I must say the tastiest option, is moringa energy bars. They make perfect pocket-sized snacks and are safe to eat anytime, anywhere.

Moringa Benefits and Uses​

If you are going for Moringa powder, which is the best form to consume it: Start with 1tbs per day. Moringa has shown promising results on diseases & conditions such as diabetes, irregular blood pressure levels, arthritis, and issues ranging from heart to skin & hair health. But, it’s always best to consult your doctor if you have any underlying health issues.
Here are a few ways to amp up your nutrition portion with Moringa:

Detox with Moringa Tea:
It is the best way to start your morning. Just take a glass of lukewarm water and add 1tbs moringa powder to it. You can also add honey & lemon for taste. Heating it will kill the antioxidants, so do not put it on the stove.

Power up with Moringa Smoothies:
It goes with most of your usual smoothie ingredients, from apple, banana, peanut butter, strawberries to milk & peanut butter. Just about a spoonful moringa powder can multiply its nutritional content.

A healthy twist to Dal, Curry & Veggies:
Always reserve it for the end. Once your daal or vegetable is cooked, turn off the stove and sprinkle a pinch of moringa powder. Remember the rule of thumb while using moringa powder is to add it raw, not cook it. You can check out more moringa recipes here.

Breakfast made wholesome with Moringa:
Whether you like heavy breakfast like puri bhaji, parathas or just boiled eggs or salad, you can add the powder to the dough or sprinkle it over your food.

Guilt-free Moringa Snacks:
The texture of moringa powder is so fine you can easily mix it into your batter or side dishes. If you are a baker, you can try baking guilt-free cookies or muffins. You can also try moringa chutney & pakora, or add it to Makhna for a healthy flavour and colour.

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