Drumsticks Patties

Drumsticks Patties

Drumsticks Patties is a simple and comforting recipe that is made using authentic spices and Drumsticks. You can serve this delicious recipe with tomato ketchup and any other your favourite chutney.


  • For Making Drumsticks Patties : 
  • 12 drumstick
  • 4 garlic
  • 4 green chilli
  • 1 tablespoon coriander leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • water as required
  • 1 cup gram flour (besan)
  • 1 tablespoon ginger
  • 1 cup onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder
  • 2 tablespoon refined oil


  • For Making Drumsticks Patties :   
  1. Chop the vegetables and cut slices of drumsticks
  2. Separately chop the onions, coriander and green chilies and keep them aside until further required. 
  3. After that grate the garlic and the ginger and keep them aside. 
  4. Next wash the drumsticks under running water and cut them into 1 inch long vertical pieces.
  5. Boil the drumsticks, till tender
  6. Then boil some water in a deep bottomed pan and add in the sliced drumsticks in it.
  7. Once the drumsticks get tender, remove them from the pan and preserve the water until needed.
  8. Prepare a mixture of all ingredients
  9. Transfer the boiled drumsticks in a bowl and add the grated garlic followed by grated ginger, green chilies, onions and coriander in the bowl. 
  10. To this sprinkle some salt and garam masala powder and mix all the ingredients well. 
  11. Once done mash the mixture.
  12. Add gram flour and knead a dough and shape in form of cutlet
  13. Add some gram flour and the preserved water to this mixture and knead it into a dough. 
  14. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and shape them into a cutlet. 
  15. Once done refrigerate the cutlets for about 10 to 12 minute
  16. Fry the cutlets and serve hot
  17. Heat some refined oil in a frying pan and gently add in the drumsticks cutlets in the pan. 
  18. Pan sear the cutlets until they get a golden brown color and are crisp in texture. 
  19. Serve hot!

Relax & Enjoy !

Courtesy / credit :
Times Food

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