Drumstick Flowers Raita

Drumstick Flowers Raita

Drumstick Flowers Raita is a simple and comforting recipe that is made using Drumstick Flowers. You can serve this delicious recipe as an accompaniment with your meals. 


  • Swanjhro / drumstick flowers 100 gms (about 1and 1/2  cups)
  • Yogurt 1 cup
  • Yellow mustard seeds 1/2 tsp (crushed coarsely)
  • Pepper corns few (crushed )
  • Salt to taste.
  • White vinegar 1 tbsp


  1. Pick out the stems from the flowers.
  2. Boil water adding salt and little vinegar. Dip in the flowers.
  3. Boil for about 5 minutes and drain the water.
  4. Repeat the boiling process again with fresh water to remove the bitterness from the flowers.
  5. Drain the flowers and set aside.
  6. Allow them to cool.
  7. In a bowl take the whisked yogurt and add the flowers, salt, crushed mustard seeds and black pepper. 
  8. Mix well.
  9. Serve as an accompaniment with your meals.

Relax & Enjoy !

Courtesy / credit :
shobhas food mazaa

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