Moringa Mango Lentil Soup​

Moringa Mango Lentil Soup

Moringa Mango Lentil Soup uses moringa in the traditional Indian way, stewed in a soup. The mango adds a nice contrast of sweetness to the savory soup. This soup is sure to satisfy a craving on a cool day or boost your strength when battling an illness. 


  • For Making Moringa Mango Lentil Soup : 
  • 1 cup moong dal 
  • Generous pinch saffron 
  • 1 serrano pepper, sliced 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 2 tablespoons grated unpeeled ginger  
  • 2 long stalks moringa drumsticks  
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 
  • 10-12 kari leaves 
  • 1 small ripe mango, diced into ½ inch pieces 
  • Herbs for garnish 


  • For Making Moringa Mango Lentil Soup : 
  1. Rinse the moong dal two-three times in cold tap water then soak for an hour or two. Drain. 
  2. Combine with three cups fresh water, saffron, salt and ginger and bring to a boil. 
  3. If any scum rises to the top, using a slotted spoon discard the scum.  
  4. Lower the heat, cover the stockpot and simmer for twenty-thirty minutes or until the lentils are tender. 
  5. Mix thoroughly so the lentils are smooth and almost creamy looking.  
  6. Cut the drumsticks into three-four inch pieces and drop them into the dal soup and continue simmering for five-seven  minutes. 
  7. Add more water if needed. 
  8. In a small frying pan, heat up the olive oil and when the oil is just shy of smoking, add the cumin seeds and kari leaves. 
  9. Turn the heat off immediately and add the diced mango. 
  10. Stir and add to the soup. 
  11. Garnish with herbs and serve. 

Relax & Enjoy !

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