
Moringa oil for your hair!

Moringa oil comes from the seeds of the moringa oleifera tree, also referred to as the “Miracle tree,” and it’s full of phytonutrients and behenic acid. 

Moringa Oil

1. Moringa oil strengthens your hair
That’s right. Not only does moringa oil make your hair look shinier, but it actually makes it stronger too. The rich nutrients in moringa oil such as zinc (which is essential for maintaining healthy hair) help boost keratin production to strengthen hair and prevent breakage. Additionally, the proteins in moringa oil also help to protect hair from potential damaging factors such as heat and the environment. As a bonus benefit, moringa oil’s rich supply of fatty acids such as behenic acid can improve the shine,luster, and softness of your hair as well!

2. Moisturizes scalp
Moringa oil is renowned for its ability to deliver moisture straight to the scalp, which helps to prevent dryness and deeply nourish hair from the source. Rather than simply adding moisture to the exterior of dry or damaged hair strands, moringa oil hydrates the scalp to heal hair from the inside out.

3. Fights split ends
The benefits and healing properties of moringa oil make it ideal for hair care and battling split ends. Moringa Oil is here to help heal all those damaged ends. It revitalizes hair from roots to ends by enriching the shaft with essential nutrients that naturally smooth frizz and promote radiant shine!

4. Promotes hair growth
Moringa oil has built a strong reputation for promoting natural hair growth due to the high content of key nutrients such as vitamins A/B/E and zinc. Zinc is especially important because it promotes keratin production, and keratin makes up 90% of every hair on your head. Although you can boost your keratin production by consuming certain foods such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and eggs — the amount obtained from foods won’t be sufficient to significantly promote hair growth. Instead, you should use products that contain nutrient combinations designed to boost keratin production and promote healthy hair.

5. Moringa oil helps hair retain its color
Many hair oils have a slight tint to them which can affect the color of your hair whether it’s natural or dyed, but moringa seeds actually create a clear oil so this issue doesn’t occur. In fact, the vitamins C and E found in moringa oil fight free radicals that cause hair to weaken and turn grey. So whether you’ve dyed your hair and don’t want the color to be altered, or you’re all-natural and want to prevent hair from greying — moringa is the way to go when choosing a hair oil!

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