
Have you tried Moringa powder before? If not read this blog

Moringa is a plant that is often called the miracle tree. It is best known for its medicinal properties and health benefits. This magical powder can help to purify your blood, protect your organs and so much more. Let’s see.


1) It is an antidepressant
One study showed that Moringa has some potential to treat low mood. So the next time you need a pick me up, maybe you could try moringa powder.

2) It is good for your hair
We have all been there, where our hair is either damaged or falling out! But don’t worry, because moringa seed oil is known to have properties that prevent free radicals from damaging your hair, strengthening it.

3) It controls hypertension.
One of the many components of moringa powder is “isothiocyanate” and the other is “niaziminin”. These are agents that are super effective against hypertension as they stop the arteries from thickening. And as a result, it reduces pressure on the blood vessels.

4) It protects the liver.
Did you know that there are many different studies that show that moringa powder is your liver’s best friend? It is said to restore its enzymes, reducing liver damage. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which may help prevent inflammation.

5)Your skin will love it too
Say goodbye to your dry and lackluster skin! And hello to moringa powder. Moringa powder speeds up the production of collagen, a well-known protein that helps you heal your scars and wounds. And that’s not all! The antimicrobial properties of Moringa also help in smoothing the wrinkles and get rid of acne scars. Moreover, it tightens your skin and improves its texture. So, definitely, moringa should be part of your skincare routine.

6) Moringa oleifera Is Very Nutritious
oringa leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh, chopped leaves (21 grams) contains

Protein: 2 grams
Vitamin B6: 19% of the RDA
Vitamin C: 12% of the RDA
Iron: 11% of the RDA
Riboflavin (B2): 11% of the RDA
Vitamin A (from beta-carotene): 9% of the RDA
Magnesium: 8% of the RDA

Moringa leaves are also highly nutritious and should be beneficial for people who are lacking in essential nutrients.

7) Moringa oleifera May Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infection or injury. It’s an essential protective mechanism but may become a major health issue if it continues over a long period of time. In fact, sustained inflammation is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Most whole fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices have anti-inflammatory properties. However, the degree to which they can help depends on the types and amounts of anti-inflammatory compounds they contain. Scientists believe that isothiocyanates are the main anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa leaves, pods and seeds

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